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Board Appreciation Month
Board Appreciation Month

Elementary students from Gates Elementary joined Davison High School students for a presentation for School Board Appreciation Month.

Students from Hahn Intermediate led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance at the January Board of Education meeting.
Pledge of Allegiance

Students from Hahn Intermediate led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance at the January Board of Education meeting.

Students from Mr. Robert Schleicher's class perform during the annual Readers Theatre event.
Readers Theatre

Students from Mr. Robert Schleicher's class perform during the annual Readers Theatre event.

This Central Elementary student has the full attention of her grandparent during the Grandparents Day event.
Central Elementary Grandparents Day

This Central Elementary student has the full attention of her grandparent during the Grandparents Day event.

Central Elementary is our District's oldest building.  It began as an eight-room school for grades one through six and, following a special election, a high school portion was included. When it opened in 1932, the building had 20 classrooms - eight in the elementary section and 12 in the high school portion. 

The last class to graduate from this school building was 1962, the same year that the new high school (now Davison Middle School) was opened.

In 2013, voters approved the "Back to the Future" renovation/addition project at Central Elementary, the district's oldest school building. Construction included an eight-classroom addition on the south end of the building and a two-story technology lab/media center to the north. Renovations were made throughout the entire building, making sure to keep the integrity and original charm of the building intact by choosing to keep moldings, original terrazzo, doors and wooden floors in certain areas but also including modern updates, an efficient heating and cooling system and technology. The construction was completed in 2015 making the building a true show piece and 21st century learning center for our students and community to be proud of.

Today, Central Elementary houses grades one through four and includes a wing that contains the Great Start Readiness Program preschool.